Fiber and Photography

Random journaling about life, the art of knitting, and my occassional creative endeavours in writing with light (photography).

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm putting this link here for my own benefit, but I found a free pattern that matches what I had hoped to find: a vest that has a deep V neck and close fitting (to be worn over a blouse). The pattern can be found at the Ram Wools website: Gilmore Vest. Here's a closer look at Ram Wools.

Here's why I want to make a vest like this, I love the look! I'm not up for argyle though, at least not yet!


Blogger r said...

I've been looking for a vest just like that and actually bought Eunny's pattern, but wasn't quite ready to take on something so complicated. Thank you so much for the link!

6:00 AM  

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