Fiber and Photography

Random journaling about life, the art of knitting, and my occassional creative endeavours in writing with light (photography).

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Okay, here's what I've been up to lately. For one thing, I discovered that I've been doing the knit stitch wrong. As a newbie self-taughter knitter, I suppose this is a risk you take. The discovery was made while watching Philosopher's Wool video clip on how to do the Two-handed Fair Isle Technique. You can probably see the bias I had going on my pre-felted Sophie bag in the previous blog entry. So now I have my Noro Iro Booga Bag that I had been working on needing frogging. If you look at the picture below, you can see where I attached a twist tie to mark where I starting knitting correctly. What a difference, DUH!!

A closer look:

Oh well, I'm happy that I saw the light. I can now say that I am a continental knitter, where before I just figured I had my own style.

Here's my latest project. I mentioned previously that I was going to do this bag for my Bag Me KAL. Here's how it's going so far. It will be felted and I must say that if this works out there will be more to come. Maybe next time I'll show what it looks like on the inside. I'll be lining it but I don't think it looks half bad for a beginner.

Here's my latest handmade stitch markers:

Oh and I've got to show off my latest recycled yarn from a men's wool sweater I got at a thrift shop. Sorry to say I didn't take a picture of the sweater first, but so far I have 5 skeins at 272 yards each. I love this colour and have had my eye out for something like since the start of my knitting journey. I see a Sophie Bag (knitted and felted properly this time), and I'm not sure what else.

Well I have some major catching up on reading fellow knitter's blogs....I've been too busy knitting so I'm behind! A good excuse to brew some coffee. Thanks to all who leave comments, I find them very encouraging and love having an excuse to see what you are also up to with your projects. :-)


Blogger Dani said...

That fair isle bag is looking AMAZING - I cannot believe how short a period of time you have been knitting - you woudl NEVER know it!!!

The stitch markers are super cute too!


10:53 AM  
Blogger Deborah said...

You, girlfriend, are a machine!

11:17 AM  
Blogger kat said...

beautiful bags. you know i think a lot of people knit wrong when they first learn. I've had a lot of people come to CWS to only discover they re twisting all their stitches.

1:01 PM  
Blogger Nora said...

Don't frog it!!! You won't be able to notice once felted (I think)! x

2:29 PM  
Blogger Heidi said...

Too late!! LOL! I did frog it, but I figured it's such a beautiful yarn that it deserves to be knit properly. Now to just get going on reknitting it! ;-)

6:55 AM  

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