Blue and Pink FO and Like Mother Like Daughter?
I love this pattern (my own). It's foolproof, has a simple design, and is a great "canvas" for embellishment.
I listed this on etsy before lunch and apparently my mom got home from work, got on her computer, checked out my stuff, saw this bag and had to have it.
I must say it is weird taking money from family. There's a side of you that feels obligated to just give it away. Thankfully I have a family who puts a value on handmade items, whether made by daughter, sister, or stranger.
Unbeknownst to me, my 9-year old daughter decided to do some freestyle embroidery on a dud bag that I had given her to experiment with. I'm amazed at what she did!! She didn't plan it out, just went for it and made decisions as she went along. Sounds a lot like me!
It's becoming a work of art!