A bag with a destiny
I had a bag listed at my etsy shop that had at least 570 views and yet it sat unpurchased for a month. I had come to the conclusion that it must be awaiting a special destiny. On Saturday I had a woman in Helsinki, Finland ask if I shipped internationally. I had never shipped overseas but I offered to look into it right away. Later that day I was mailing off my little green bag to Finland! I was so pumped because it made me happy to see it go to a place where the Scandinavian culture embraces colour. It feels like it's going to where it belongs.
The buyer said that she wouldn't be my last overseas buyer, which was such a sweet thing to say. Can't deny this is all very fulfilling!
What a lucky bag!! All the way to Finland! Isn't that fun?? (and a very lucky recipient!!) One of my bags was sent to Norway as a Christmas present. Hard to even wrap my mind around it. I continue to LOVE all of the bags you create!!
It is fun to ship a bag to an "exotic" location isn't it?!! Thanks Janice!
Tomorrow I plan to take some pictures of wool I found at a LYS about a half an hour away from here. I was spending some Christmas money. :-)
How awesome is that!!! I finished my second ever bag last week and it was finally dry on Sunday so I took it to church with me. Don't know if my stuff would be good enough to sell though...maybe I just need practice...and to set up an etsy shop or something ;o)
ahh thats so cool one of your designs is going to be let loose in another country :)
Thanks all!!
Your bags are really beautiful. It's nice to know this one is going to a great home.
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