Fiber and Photography

Random journaling about life, the art of knitting, and my occassional creative endeavours in writing with light (photography).

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

She's started a Blog??

I had absolutely no intention of starting a blog until I was lured into it by the resurgence of my interest in crocheting. What does crocheting have to do with blogging you might ask? I stumbled upon what's called a crochet-along at The Happy Hooker Chain Gang Crochet-Along which happens to be working on the very project I was considering starting. So here I am starting a blog of my own so I can join in! Never say never!

Here's a picture of the 2 yarns that I'm considering, both of which are quite different from each other. I made the mistake of going to a local yarn shop and now I'm spoiled for shopping anywhere else. No more Michael's or Walmart. Hello $25tx skeins of heaven...yikes!

The Lamb's Pride (85% wool/15% mohair) is called Periwinkle and it's much more purpley than it shows up on my screen. The glorious Noro Iro (75% wool/ 25% silk) is colour #43. I adore this stuff. This is the the yarn that has prompted me to vow to learn to knit.

Now to choose which one to use to make my "In Bloom" crocheted purse out of the book Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker.


Blogger Knitted_Painting said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! and the happy hooker chain gang CAL aswell as I'm a member too^_^

4:17 AM  
Blogger Heidi said...

Thanks! I'm realizing that most people who crochet or knit these days are anything but the grandmotherly types. There are lots of inspirational yarn artists out there!

5:22 AM  

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